مشاركة جمعية المستهلك-لبنان في مؤتمر واقع الذكاء الإصطناعي وتحديات حماية المستهلك العربي بمناسبة اليوم العالمي لحقوق المستهلكين

شاركت جمعية المستهلك-لبنان في مؤتمر افتراضي نظمته الجمعية الكويتية لحماية المستهلك وشارك به عدد من جمعيات المستهلك العربية والمختصين في ... اقرأ المزيد

The importance of e-commerce

Beirut March 15, 2018 Text of the message sent to the Ministry of Commerce on the occasion of World Consumer Day, Honorable Minister of Economy and Trade.On the occasion of ... read more

Food security

Food Security - Prices General Labor Union 29/11/2018 Food security needs: The agricultural and industrial sectors fall within the priorities of the state and its ruling families. plans... read more

Clearing the docks

Honorable Minister of the Interior, Honorable Mr. Nihad Al-Machnouk Subject: Liberation of the sidewalks Greetings and after. Association follows... read more

Minister Mansour Batish

Beirut 11/20/2019 His Excellency the Minister of Economy and Trade, Mr. Mansour Bteish, Greetings, Based on the judicial decision issued by the Primary Chamber ... read more


There is no need to explain to the citizens the dangers of spreading rubbish in the streets and between homes in this hot and humid weather, and there is no need ... read more

Passport crisis

The responsibility for managing the process of changing the Lebanese passport rests with the Lebanese state, and it cannot justify the decisions of the International Organization "ICAO" ... read more